Thursday, 17 May 2012

चुम्बकों का चिकित्सा में प्रयोग (USE OF MAGNETS IN TREATMENT)

As like diseases are treated by the use of medicines in other treatment systems as the magnet is used to treat diseases in magneto therapy. The magnet is considered as a very powerful means (weapon) for curing diseases. The magnet increases not only knowledge, wisdom and prudence, but brings again lost smile on the lips. We should not forget that patience and wisdom are the factors of good treatment while on the other hand, carelessness and hurry are the factors of unsuccessful treatment. The aim of almost treatment systems is to cure diseases. Just like this, the aim of magneto therapy is also to cure diseases. Almost, all the diseases can be cured through magneto therapy easily

Before treatment through magneto therapy, it is necessary to have complete knowledge of the instruments using in this treatment system. The instruments used in magneto therapy are as follow-

Belly belt- such a belly belt is used to cure many types of disease like- stomachache, painfulmenstruations in women, kidneys’ pain, etc.

Obesity belt – this type of flat and flexible belt (Patti) is a great achievement in medical field and it is used in various diseases like- waist pain, sciatica, stomach diseases, etc.

Throat belt- this belt of magnet is used to cure neck stiffness. In this belt, three pairs of magnetic poles are remain fitted in the intervals of little gap, in which two pairs are located in central part and one pair on the edges of this belt.  

Knee belt- this type of belt is used for curing knees related diseases like- joints inflammation, gout, burning of bones joints, pain in the legs and knees, etc.

Magnet mala (necklace)- it is also worn around the neck like other necklaces and it is helpful in curing various types of diseases like- pain in any part of neck and chest, pain in gall bladder, gall bladder stone, fast heart beats, neck pain, etc.

Tonsil belt- in this belt, there are two pairs of little bended magnets of the shape of tonsils are fitted. This belt is used in throat inflammation and it is wrapped around the neck in such a way so that one pair covered one tonsil and other pair covered the other ones properly as well as both the ends of the belt remained stick on the back part of the neck. 

Eye belt-         in this belt, there are two pairs of small magnets are to be fitted according to the distance between both the eyes. This belt is used to cure many diseases related to the eyes like- pain in the eyes, conjunctivitis, inflammation of sclera, weak vision (sight), etc.

Head and throat belt- this type of belt is used to cure various types of head and throat related diseases like- migraine, headache, facial ache, gums pain, metal fatigue (tiredness), weakness, nervous depression, etc.

Wrist band- this type of band is used in magneto therapy for making blood pressure normal. When the blood pressure is become high, by tying this band on the wrist, the blood pressure is become normal. But, when the blood pressure is less than normal, this band should be also tied on the left wrist. In this case too, it makes blood pressure normal.   

Ceramic magnet- such type of magnet is less powerful and is semi-moon shaped. This type of magnet is used on soft and delicate organs of the body and to cure various types of diseases of small children like- sleeplessness, tonsillitis, eyespain, dwarf ness, etc.

Middle powered magnet- this type of magnet is used on the palms and soles of small children. It is used in ears and tooth related diseases. This type of magnet is very beneficial in elder people, but when it used locally on very soft body organs and other living organs.

Precedent magnet- this type of magnet is very effective in old aged people and mostly these magnets are used to cure chronic diseases.

Magnetized water- the water charged by magnet is called magnetized water. This water is used in magneto therapy for curing many types of diseases.

Magnetized oil- this oil is used for massaging in magneto therapy as well as it is also used to cure various types of diseases like- eczema, pain and burning of joints, sciatica, etc.  

Blue oil- in magneto therapy, this oil is used to cure various types of diseases like- painful swelling, accumulation of blood, boils-pimples, etc.

Red oil- this type of oil is used in inflammation, sciatica and vertebral inflammation.

North poled magnet- this type of magnet is used for magnetizing (charging) water and oil as well as used to cure various types of diseases.

South poled magnet- this type of magnet is also used to charge (magnetize) water and oil as well as used to cure many diseases.

Sunlight- in magneto therapy, sunlight is used for fomentation. First of all, magnetized oil is applied on the affected body part and then the part is fomented through sunlight. 

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