Monday, 14 May 2012

भद्रासन (BHADRA ASANA)

            ‘Gherand’ saints are called that many types of disorders are cured by doing practice of bhadra asana. Practice of this posture should be done in calm and clean environment and fresh and clean air.

Technique of bhadra asana:

First technique:
            Lay a bed sheet or mat on the floor and stand on the knee (on the mat). Now bend your right leg from the knee and put under the hip and left leg also put under the hip after bending. Join both the knees and put on the floor, and put the hips on the heels and claws. Now give the press of the whole body on the claws and heals, and sit upon these. After that, hold toe of left leg from the right hand and toe of right leg from left the hand. Now take breath and lower the head forward and put on the throat, and forward the shoulders while stretching up. Do practice of bhadra asana while looking the front part of the nose. Stay in this position according to your capacity and remove the jalandhara banda thereafter raise your head up and exhale. Just take breath and use jalandhara bandha, and do practice of badhara asana.

Second technique:
            There is also other technique of bhadrasan in yoga shatra. In which the position of this posture is like the position of above postuer but jalander band is not used in this posture and both the hands are put on both the knees instead of holding the claws of the feet with the hands.


In the posture of bhadrasan, the person should do practice of this posture from second technique firstly thereafter do practice from first method.

            The person should concentrate on the middle of both the eyebrows of the eyes because it helps to keep the mind stable and free from mentally depression.

            This posture is very useful for the brain stability because concentrating on the front part of the nose keeps the brain stable. Doing practice of this posture makes the body healthy. This posture is helpful to increase appetite and for the lungs too. It helps to spread the veins of pelvic part and knees and makes them strong. It provides strength to the thighs, knees and calf. 

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