Badhda padhasan is also called bhasmasan. In the position
of this posture, both the hands, legs and body are bound as a rope is wrapped with
the pole. Therefore, it is called badhda padhasan. This postuer is useful for
patient, healthy person and yogi etc. all the types of persons. Practice of
this postuer is done from many types and it is used in many types of diseases
and yougik activities.
of Badhda padhasan:
of this postuer should be done in clean environment and at the place of fresh
air. Lay a mat or bed sheet on the floor and sit upon it in common position for
practice of this postuer. Now bend your right leg from knee and put the heel on
the left thigh, and close with waist. In the same way, bend also your left leg from
the knee and put the heel on right thigh, and close with waist. After that, bring
the left hand backward and hold the toe of right leg thereafter bring the right
hand backward and hold the toe of left leg. In this condition, a type of cross
mark will be made on the front by calf and back by the hands. After entering in
the position of badhda padhasan, keep the body with spinal cord, chest, head
and neck straight and tight. Keep the head tight and eyes on the front. Now take
breath and bring out the chest, and stretch the body on upper side. Put his
eyes on the front part of nose. Stay in this position according to capacity and
keep on doing practice of this postuer in normal position. Repeat this activity
after changing the legs.
In this technique
of badhda padhasan, do not change the place, environment and the position of the
hands and feet too. Now while exhaling slowly, bend your body downwardly slowly
and try to touch the floor with the head or nose. After bending the body, stay
in this position according to your capacity and return in normal position slowly.
Practice of this postuer can be done after changing the legs.
Do not make haste while
touching the head on the floor and try to touch the head on the floor slowly.
If pregnant women do practice of this postuer, many types of uterus
disorders are cured. The wrinkle, looseness and softness, which occur after
delivery, are removed by practice of this postuer, and stomach disorders and
cold do never occur. Doing the practice of this postuer after purify the nerves
by pranayama is beneficial. Flatus and vital air are mixed in the body by this
postuer consequently; the brain becomes stable and happy and makes the body
light. Any person as yogi, bhogi, patient and healthy can do practice of this
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