Tuesday, 15 May 2012

बालों की दुश्मन रूसी (Dandruff, an enemy of hair)


Often, women keep on complaining about dandruff in hair. Dead particles of head skin are dandruff. These particles of dead skin keep on removing because of the appearance of new skin. Such kinds of particles are called dandruff. Most of people do not know whether dandruff is oily or dry. Particles of dry dandruff are very small which keep on spreading in head skin and hair. Dry dandruff is itchy. On the other hand oily dandruff is associated with small particles and sebum. Many times hair fall starts because of too much dandruff.   


Dandruff can take birth in hair in the lack of cleanliness of hair. It is contagious disease. Therefore, the patient should keep her comb, brush, soap and towel separate. Wash your hair in a week as much as you can. Dandruff is the biggest enemy of hair. Hair loses its charm because of this reason. There are two kinds of dandruff-oily and dry.

Oily dandruff:
Oily dandruff starts to gather near about the roots of hair. When it gathers in the form of deep layers and we scratch our head, it fills in the nails. Hair appears dirty all the time because of this reason. Oily dandruff weakens the root of hair and hair falls starts in the lack of oxygen.

Dry dandruff:
Dry dandruff contains a little quantity of vapor particles. Such kinds of particles start to gather in the form of white layers and appear in hair. It starts to fall if hair is combed. Hair root does not get oxygen consequently hair fall starts.  

Treatment to get rid of dandruff:

Keep your hair clean by using brush, shampoo and comb. Take balanced diet and digestible food. Massage your head with lukewarm oil twice a week.  

Wash your head with rosemary decoction daily.

Mix one lemon juice in hot water and wash your head. This formula is beneficial to get rid of dandruff. Massage your head skin with oil and cover head with wet towel drenched in cold and hot water. Pores of the skin get open and blood circulates becomes high. Thus, dandruff disappears from the head.

Wash your hair with tincture of thyme.

You can wash your head with natil or rosemary decoction.

Medicated shampoo should be used to wash hair. Mix boric powder in soap nut (reetha) or acacia concinna (shikakai) and wash hair. It is good formula to wash hair.

Using bardock or natil provides strength to the skin of skull. 

If hair is too much dry or hair breaks from the middle, you can apply good hair conditioning cream after washing head.

Mix one lemon juice in the white portion of one egg properly and apply on the head for half hour. Wash your head with simple water. Finally, wash your head with vinegar mixed water.  

Decoction of natil leaves:
Cast one spoon leaves of natil in about one liter hot water. Mix vinegar in it and filter this preparation. Wash your head in the morning and evening with this preparation.

Honey and olive oil:
Mix honey and olive oil in the proportion of 1:3 properly. Apply this preparation on the head and wrap your head with towel drenched in hot water. Thereafter, wash your head with shampoo.

Elder flower and decoction of rosemary:
Prepare decoction by taking two spoons rosemary and equal quantity of elder flower. First, shampoo your hair and then wash your head with this decoction.


The patient of this disease should not use other person’s comb, brush, towel and brush at any rate whether dandruff is dry or oily.  

Apply conditional in the hair after washing head with shampoo of good company.

Massage your head with lukewarm olive oil and then wrap a towel drenched in hot water on the head. Twist towel before wrapping. It should be done so that oil may enter into the root of hair. After three hours, wash your head with lukewarm water properly to expel out the shampoo from the head. 

Washing head with curd or whey is beneficial.

Mix lemon juice inmustard oil or mix too much water in the vinegar and apply in the root of hair properly. Wash your head after two hours. Dandruff disappears to some extant by doing so. 

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